S-2.3, r. 2 - Regulation respecting standards, specifications and quality criteria applicable to 9-1-1 emergency centres and to certain secondary emergency call centres

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22. A 9-1-1 emergency centre must ensure that emergency call operators receive initial theoretical and practical training of not less than 100 hours.
That training includes
(1)  the roles and responsibilities of emergency call operators;
(2)  customer service;
(3)  telephones and computers;
(4)  the equipment used by the 9-1-1 emergency centre, other than telephones and computers;
(5)  the processing of geographic information and basic concepts in geomatics;
(6)  the drafting technique of a calling card;
(7)  the confidentiality of information;
(8)  the language to be used;
(9)  the definition of an emergency;
(10)  the operation of the 9-1-1 network;
(11)  the management of difficult situations;
(12)  stress management;
(13)  available resources;
(14)  operational modes; and
(15)  the statutes governing the practices and memoranda of understanding.
The centre is to ensure that the emergency call operators and the persons in charge of operations receive, at least twice a year, continuing training pertaining to their work.
O.C. 1042-2010, s. 22.